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   Forside » Rollespil » A » Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, D&D with more Dragons to your Dungeon!


Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (or AD&D for short) was first published in 1977. It was the 2nd Edition of Dungeons & Dragons released and can also be refered to as DnD 2e

ADnD consists of the re-organised D&D rules, that the creator Gary Gygax compiled in three books adding in all the extra material released in the magazines 'The Strategic Review' and 'The Dragon' and other sources. The three original classes was now expanded to Assassin, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Thief, Bard, Illusionist and Ranger. The Alignments also grew from three to nine, creating the Alignment matrix we know today.

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