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Aberrant - The Directive (B Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Lev. 1 - 2 dage
Pris 100,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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Aberrant - The Directive

Ever get the feeling that you're being watched?'

Nothing is quite what it seems, and even seeming "good guys" can have ulterior motives. When all is said and done, who really watches over things? The Directive does. The Directive is an intelligence organization unlike any seen before. Its agents see things, they hear things and they know things that they shouldn't. There is nothing more dangerous.

Maybe you should?

This book includes everything you wanted to know about the Directive. Where it came from, the tools and techniques it uses to gather intelligence on suspicious novas, what it does and who gets invited to work for it. Are you subtle enough to work for the Directive?

Release: Originally published June 12, 2000. The Directive — who use a star-studded shield as a symbol — may be a reference to the multinational S.H.I.E.L.D. organization featured in Marvel comics.

Cover: The cover art by Michael Gaydos features three Directive agents stand amidst smoke before a green-and-blue backdrop, which may represent Earth.

Oops: Due to the vaguaries of publishing, The Directive was released two months before Worldwide: Phase I. As such, although Phase I advances the timeline to 2010, Directive is the first book set in that year. Directive also references the battle between Divis Mal and Caestus Pax which takes place at the apex of Phase I

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