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Call of Cthulhu - Last Rites (B Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Pris 400,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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Last Rites - Call of Cthulhu

Four Call of Cthulhu scenarios of the present day, suitable for beginning keepers and investigators or as intriguing interluders in ongoing campaigns. Numerous illustrations, detailed hundouts, 11 new spells, and related maps and plans. 
  • Last Rites - The death of the retired professor on the massachusetts coast bring family and friends to his funeral, But new funerals quickly follow. 
  • Lethal Legacy - an ordinary mummy has been stolen from a papier mâché exhibition sarcophagus. Why does University securoty ignore the theft?
  • The House on McKinley Boulevard - A street hustler's suicide awakens a debt of guilt in a dying man.
  • The Priestess - When two coeds vanish, a detective's hunch invovles the investigators in bad poetry and chase to a vanished epoch. 
Call of Cthulhu - Last Rites is published by Chaosium Inc.

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