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Call Of Cthulhu - 6th ed - The Legacy of Arrius Lurco - (B-Grade) (Genbrug)

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The Legacy of Arrius Lurco - Call Of Cthulhu - 6th edition 

A Campaign for Cthulhu Invictus


Several years ago a wealthy patrician, one of the owners of the Reds chariot racing faction, vanished in Crete. He was found weeks later wandering aimlessly with no memory of where he'd been or what had happened to him.
Arrius Lurco returned home and tried to resume his life but then the nightmares and erratic behavior began.
What starts as an attempt to recover his lost memories soon becomes an epic struggle pitting investigators against sinister cults, inhuman minions and the awesome powers of a Great Old One.

The Legacy of Arrius Lurco is a full four-part campaign for Cthulhu Invictus, set in Rome, Achaea (Greece) and Cyrenaica (Crete), written by Oscar Rios, illustrated by Alberto Guerra.

This book is Published by Noble Knight / Miskatonic River Press

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