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Call of Cthulhu - The 1920s Investigators Companion Volume 1 - Equipment & Resources () (Genbrug)

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The 1920's Investigator's Companion Volume I - Equipment and Resources - Call of Cthulhu - RPG Supplement

Hot Tips, Secret Info, & Sure-Fire Rules
Are there flashlights in the 1920s? How about flashbulbs? What can your licensed private-eye do? Can your investigators buy a machine gun?
Too often, Call of Cthulhu investigators find themselves not only baffled by the mysteries of the Mythos, but baffled as well by day-to-day life in America during the Roaring Twenties. No more with For the 1920s Investigators Companion Vol 1 - Equipment & Resources for Call of Cthulhu!
Discover the types of research facilities that are available, learn new skills, and purchase a variety of types of equipment including an extensive list of firearms common to the era. Consult with experts on a variety of esoteric and occult topics.
An essential aid for players, investigators, and Keepers.

For the 1920s Investigators Companion v1 - Equipment and Resources for Call of Cthulhu is 64 pages and is published by Chaosium in 1993. 

The Table of Contents of For the 1920s Investigators Companion Vol 1 - Equipment and Resources contains: 

  • Part 1: The Roaring Twenties
  • Part 2: Research & Rescourses
  • Part 3: Transport & Travel
  • Part 4: Equipment & Arms

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