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D&D 3.5 - Iron Kingdoms - Five Fingers Port of Deceit (B-Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Lev. 1 - 2 dage
Kun250,00125,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)


DnD 3.5 - Five Fingers: Port of Deceit - Iron Kingdoms

The port of Five Fingers Awaits

Enter the city of Five Fingers at your own risk. Though D&D 3.5 - Iron Kingdoms - Five Fingers is a place of vibrant trade and rampant opportunity, it is also a haven for pirates, thieves, and dark cultists. One day you could be socializing with the political elite, and the next day you could be running for your life from enforcers demanding tribute. Five Fingers is where an adventurer can make his fortune, build a criminal enterprise, or meet a dubious end. 

Every chapter in DnD 3.5 - Iron Kingdoms - Five Fingers: Port of Deceit is narrated by a different personality living in the city, and each narrator provides a unique point of view and expertise. In addition of the six chapters covering city life, industry, crime, history, and politics, there is a chapter specific to gamemasters that shed light on the various plots and rumors throughout the book in addition to providing guidanvce for running various campaigns in the city.

Experience within the pages of Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 - Five Fingers: Port of Deceit - Iron Kingdoms

  • A full color fold-out map of the city
  • Rules applicable to any city campaign such as rooftop chases, meighborhood ratings, and guidelines for running a gang (or figthing one)
  • Three new prestige classes: the Agent, the Enforcer, and the Malefactor of Thamar
  • All manner of shops, mercenary companies, gambling halls, gangs, coves, and cults to discover as well as nearly 200 NPCs to meet
Five Fingers is a lively location that can serve as the hub of a variety of campaigns including crime, intrigue, and horror themes, and this book is your key to the city. Enjoy your stay. 

This Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - Five FIngers: Port of Deceit - Iron Kingdoms published by Privateer Press is compatible with the Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition and revised 3rd Edition rules under the open gaming license. 

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