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D&D 3.5 - Dragonlance - Knightly Orders of Ansalon - Rollespilsbog (B Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Lev. 1-2 dage
Pris 1.200,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)

Dragon Lance - Knightly Orders of Ansalon - DnD 3.5

Since the Age of Dreams, warriors have raised arms for good and evil across the face of Krynn. Great heroes and terrifying villains fight not for themselves, but for greater ideals.

D&D 3.5 - Knightly Orders of Ansalon contains game information for the d20 System, as well as the lore and traditions of knightly orders. New and revised class information are provided for the various knighthoods, as well as new feats and magical items. Details are provided for the first time on the histories of knightly orders, the rules of acceptance and conduct, their quests and trials, and deadly enemies who seek to undo them.

DnD 3.5 - Knightly Orders of Ansalon contains information useful for both players and Dungeon Masters, as well as Dragonlance fans who wish to know even more about the military orders of the world and the characters who belong to them.

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