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D&D 3.0 - Sword & Sorcery - Anger of Angels (B Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Kun100,0050,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)


DnD 3.0 - Anger of Angels - Sword and Sorcery

The Holy.
The Fallen.
The Damned.

The sanctity of Heaven was shattered when prideful angels rebelled. Though the fallen host were cast out, the battle between Heaven and Hell rages on, with mortals becoming pawns on both sides.

Anger of Angels gives you the tools to run a campaign amid the struggle between Heaven and Hell. Use angels as supernatural advisors and manipulators, or take center stage as angelic player characters.

  • 11 new races of angel, usable as player characters or NPC's
  • As many new kinds of demon, including the nephilim and fallen angels.
  • Full stats for angels, plus descriptions of eight archangels.
  • A geographical overview of Heaven and Hell.
  • Plus new feats, prestige classes, mortal organizations, and angelic and demonic magic
Let the battle between Heaven and Hell rage into your game! 

Malhavoc Press is game designer Monte Cooks d20 System imprint devoted to publishing unusual magic, monsters and evocative elements that go beyond traditional fantasy. Malhavoc Press products exhibit the mastery of the d20 Systen rules that only one of the game's original designers can offer. 

Anger of Angels requires the Dungeons and Dragons, Third Edition Core Books

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