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D&D 3.0 - Codex Arcanis (B-Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Pris 125,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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Codex Arcanis - D&D 3.0 Edition - RPG Sourcebook

This comprehensive Dungeons & Dragons 3.0 - Codex Arcanis - Sourcebook published by Paradigm Concepts features a rich, original campaign setting with an in-depth look at the nations and peoples of central Onara. In Dungeons and Dragons 3.0 you will find dozens of story hooks that will provide many hours of adventure for your players, new races, new takes on traditional races, new items including weapons, armor, and magical items, new feats and Skills and New Prestige Classes, Spells,  Cleric Domains and Special Blood Line powers.

DnD 3.0 - Codex Arcanis is an exiting new Fantasy Campaign setting. Codex Arcanis requires the use of the DnD 3rd Players Handbook, Third Edition

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