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D6 Space - Rulebook (B Grade) (Genbrug)

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Kun200,00100,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)


D6 Space - Rulebook

"My Dearest Heart,
I'm sorry I haven't written you I've had my pick of bounty jobs this season, and I've only now had some spare time as I make my way to a new system.
To let you know the type of events that I've been up against, at our first interstellar switch point pirates attacked us. Though a metaphysicist might have foreseen the danger, we didn't have one on board. Fortunately, a well placed shot from out cybernetically enhanced weapons officer efficiently finished the would-be thieves.
We only needed a few minor repairs to get us on our way. We made it to our destination without further incident, and a cyber-psy is bringing in the ship now. You and I will have to arrange to meet as soon as I've found out more about my next assignment - I could be heading to a megacorp-controlled planet or a frontier world. I'll let you know.!
Yours with live ...

P.S. Though you can't join my on my bounty hunting, I'm sending along a game that could help you get an idea of what I do. This books combines the best of 15 years of D6 System design, tailored to the science fictions genre. It cover all the basics for using the D6 System with you favorite settings.

  • Three different character creation methods - customizing pre-constructed templates, using defined dice distribution limits, and distributing a pool of points - allow each player to spend as much or as little time on making a character while being compatible with the method other players choose.
  • Over 80 character options (Disadvantages, Advantages, and Special Abilities), each with numerous variations - as well as a sampling of generic alien packages - allow players to further customize their characters.
  • You have the option of relying on a Body Points or Wounds damage system, both equally interchangeable with a single combat system.
  • You get quick rules for cybernetics, ship travel, ship design, and metaphysics (a form of psionic reality manipulation).
  • Dozens of generic equipment and character examples offer starting points for adding your own science fiction tech, aliens, and denizens to your adventures.
  • You get to decide on the level of complexity, with the essential rules separated from the optional rules.

The accessible format includes an introduction to using the book and the system, a solo adventure to test out the rules, and prefaces to each chapter that can help you locate the information you need.

Also look for D6 Fantasy Rulebook and D6 Adventure Rulebook, which cover attributes, skills, equipment, and character templates tailored to their specific genres, while using a game engine that's completely compatible with D6 Space.

One Die, Infinite Possibilities!"

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