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GURPS 3rd - Classic - Whos Who 1 (B Grade) (Genbrug)

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Who's Who 1 - GURPS Classic, 3rd Edition Revised

Real Characters
Only a few individuals really stand out in all of history. 
People who rules the known world. People who changed the known. People you would like to have known. People you'd pray to avoid. 
GURPS 3 - Who's Who 1 makes it easy to introduce dozens of these stand-outs into you campaing. Match tactics with Julius Caesar, cross blades with Harald Hardradi, or share dance moves with Mata Hari. This collection of descriptions and statistics for 52 of history's most intriguing people allows players to benchmark their characters against the best the real world had to offer. 

It also provides a cornucopia of adventure seeds that are stranger than fiction. From the real Dread Pirate Roberts to a roistering aristocratic astronomer sporting a silver nose, from a doctor so brilliant that his foes ran him out of town to a king with 1200 wives but no heir - every writeup offers enough inspiration to launch its own campaign. Each one also offers alternative "What if?" scenarios for time-traveling or fantastic settings. 

Drawn from every continent and 3500 years of history, the figures in GURPS 3rd - Who's Who 1 offer something for every area of interest. You also get noteson using historical figures on games, and on convertiong your own research into a GURPS character sheet. 
Make History!

GURPS 3 - Who's WHo 1 requires the GURPS Basic Set, Third Edition Revised and Compendium 1 to use. 
GURPS 3 - Time Travel is also recommended. All books are published by SJGames.

The Specific biographical information in Who's Who 1 - GURPS 3 is not tied to a specific setting or set of rules, and can be used to enhance any campaign.

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