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GURPS 3rd - WWII - Core Rulebook Hard-cover (B Grade) (Genbrug)

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Pris 200,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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WW2: Core Rulebook - GURPS 3rd Edition Revised

Fight for Freedom!
You, too, can do your share for democracy in GURPS 3: WWII! Explore the defining conflict of the 20th century in GURPS WWII: Rulebook, the first in a comprehensive lines of sourcebooks.

Withing GURPS WWII: Core Rulebook you'll find a complete game, including: 

  • A history and overview of the war that transformed the globe. 
  • Reviews of the nations and armies in the thick of the fighting, including their tactics and weapons. 
  • A modualr vehicle-design system for recreating rare equipment, tailoring a unique arsenal in alternate-history campaigns, or simply perfecting the unstoppable tank!
  • Details on life behind the front lines - from partisan or special poperations against the enemy, to keeping the home fire burning back in the states. 
  • A new version of the GURPS Lite rules, tailored for campaigning in WWII!
With these rules, you can launch any sort of action using the war as the backdrop - from grittily realistic sootouts in the shattered streets of Stalingrad to costumes supers rampaging though panzer divisions in defense of country and flag - or anything ales you can imagine. This could be your finest hour!

GURPS: WWII is a complete game system. GURPS Basic Set, Third Edition Revised, Compendium I,. Compendium II, Vehicles and High-Tech can provide further detail and additional campaign options. All books are published by SJGames.

The content in GURPS WW2 can be used with any rules system. 

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