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Happy Endings - Party Game

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Pris 179,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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Happy Endings - Party Game

Product Description

  • WHY BUY THIS GAME? - If your idea of Game Night is quick rules followed by three rounds of laughter while filling-in-the-blanks of creative, funny, and often "very adult" sentences. . . well. . . Happy Endings is the game for you.
  • HOW DO YOU PLAY? - On every turn, Player 1 reads aloud a sentence with a blank at the end. (Get it? Happy Endings. ) Everyone else writes down a personal answer to "fill-in-the-blank" on their answer sheets. Any answer will do! The player to the right of Player 1 collects, shuffles and reads aloud the answers. Player One picks his/her favourite answer and the has to guess which player said which answer. Player 1 collects one Happy Ending card for every correct match. The player who wrote the favourite answer also picks a Happy Ending card. Every Happy Ending card has a point value of 1-5
  • WHAT'S IN THE GAME? - 25 big devil cards featuring 150 fill-in-the-blanks, 69 happy endings/wild cards, an answer pad, 6 large pencils with erasers, and very easy rules.
  • WHAT ELSE CAN WE TELL YOU? - If you like this game, check out our popular Adult Loaded Questions game.

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