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Mage The Ascension Revised Edition - Limited Edition Storyteller System Rulebook Revised (B Grade) (Genbrug)

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Mage: The Ascension Revised Rulebook - Limited Edition

Reality Overthrown!

Their heritage is magic, their quest truth. Every culture has nurtured or condemned them. They lead humanity to the far horizon and beyond. They are mages, the inventors of sorcery, science and faith. For centuries they have battled to define existence and lead humanity to an enlightened age. Now, in an age when technology is humanitys magic, the magicians of yesteryears mystic Traditions fight for survival and the key to the cosmos itself Ascension.

Choose Your Truth

The heroes of M:tA Revised Corebook in the tradition of Vampire: The Masquerade, have lost their war for reality but the struggle continues in this quintessential volume. All of the Traditions are updated and elaborated, along with the history of mages in the World of Darkness.

Mage: the Ascension Revised Core Rulebook is a Gothic Horror Storytelling System set in the World of Darkness published by White Wolf.

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