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Palladium Fantasy RPG Book 2 - Old Ones (Genbrug)

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Pris 200,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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Palladium Fantasy RPG Book: 2

Old Ones – Second Edition

This is a massive adventure sourcebook with maps and descriptions of more than 50 locations in the Timiro Kingdom. As if that were not enough to make this the ultimate adventure book, there is also information about the Old Ones and a few O.C.C.s.

In This book you will find:

  • The Monk Scholar O.C.C. and his coveted secrets.
  • The Illusionist O.C.C.
  • The Minotaur R.C.C.s, including Warriors, the Witch and Chaos Priest — all minions of the Old Ones.
  • Over 50 different cities, towns and forts; all described and mapped. Includes the Timiro Kingdom.
  • Includes the fabled “Place of Magic,” an ancient Dwarven Ruin reputed to date back to the Elf-Dwarf War.
  • 7 fully fleshed out adventures and scores of adventure ideas.
  • More frightening details about the Old Ones and their minions!
  • More world information and history.
  • Game Master and player tips.
  • Compatible with the entire Megaverse®.
  • Over 200 pages.

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