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Pathfinder - Antipaladins - Legendary Villains (B Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Pris 100,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
Lyn hurtig levering! - Episk Kundeservice! - Fri Fragt til Pakkeshop ved 800kr!

Pathfinder - Antipaladins - Legendary Villains

The Very Best at Being Bad!

Dive deeply into the most malevolent of all character classes: the antipaladin! This book is for GMs wanting to concoct truly awful villains to challenge the PCs not just in combat but in a psychological struggle for the soul of the campaign, or for those players engaged in anti-heroic campaigns of their own! Legendary Villains: Antipaladins examines the psychology and philosophy of these sinister supremes before delving into vast collection of fantastic rules elements:

  • Four new antipaladin archetypes: the black knight, dark deacon, falconer of Pazuzu, and kohai of blasphemy
  • Over 50 incredibly detailed feats, from Face of True Fear to Conduit of the Black Blade, Mountain of Iron Terror to Nefarious Mastermind, many with designer's notes on implementation and combinations with other rules elements in this product and beyond.
  • Five fantastically fatal magic items perfect for your favorite antipaladin, including the banner of bleakness, helm of death's proclaimer, ironskull shield, mask of the blood-drinker, and the devastating unholy reaver!

Bedømmelse for Pathfinder - Antipaladins - Legendary Villains (B Grade) (Genbrug)
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