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Pathfinder - Conflict PvP - Tactics and Teams - Player vs Player (B Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Pris 200,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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Tactics & Teams - Conflict PvP - Player vs. Player - Pathfinder

Pathfinder - Conflict PvP focuses on the ultimate combat experience: Player versus Player combat using the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Driving the combat are clearly defined objectives and our team's willl to win. Play as a team or individuals, Conflict PvP for Pathfinder offers so many options.

Pathfinder - Conflict PvP: Tactics & Teams includes: 

  • Over 40 different variants of tactical war games
  • Alter the dangers and benefits of any battle-map with over 25 team-specific Map Elements
  • Add environmental hadicaps and interactions with over a dozen Conflict Laws
  • Thos book also contains 50 statblocks of combat optimized characters, NPCs and monsters.
Inside Conflict PvP you'll find organized lists of Plot Hooks, magic Items, artifazcts, Rule adjustments and Dos and Don'ts for adding PvP to your existing Pathfinder Campaign.

Pathfinder - Conflict PvP: Tactics and Teams is published by Conflict Games

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