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Pathfinder - Pirate Codex (B Grade) (Genbrug)

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Pris 75,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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Pathfinder - Pirate Codex

Sailors and Scallywags Ahoy!

The Pirate Codex brings you 30 nautical enemies and allies from CR 1 to 16, covering a great cross-section of interesting builds and different twists on classical pirate archetypes. You’ll find everything from rough-necked renegades to magical mariners, with artillerists, marines, navigators, and more suited for campaigns from the savage coasts on into the golden age of sail. Each NPC has brief suggestions for its use, with robustly detailed stat blocks that provide a ton of inspiration for throwing them into the fray against your heroes. The Pirate Codex is an ideal resource for the busy GM who wants a set of ready-made stat blocks incorporating a wide variety of rules elements, pushing the boundaries of the fantastic yet still keeping the focus on the people that make your pirate campaign go, from fellow freebooters to rival raiders and your naval nemeses.

Pathfinder - Pirate Codex is published by Legendary Games

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