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Pathfinder - Player Companion - Inner Sea Primer (B Grade) (Genbrug)

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Inner Sea Primer - Player Companion - Pathfinder RPG 1st Edition

Introduction to Adventure!

The Inner Sea region is the heart of the Pathfinder campaign setting. From devil-worshiping Cheliax to cosmopolitan Absalom, the savage and frozen Lands of the Linnorm Kings to the steaming jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, there's a place for any character or adventure your imagination can come up with. Yet while a Game Master or player might know all the secrets of the setting, courtesy of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting World Guide: The Inner Sea, what does a character know about his or her world? With the Inner Sea Primer, Game Masters can quickly and easily introduce their players to the Pathfinder campaign setting, and experienced players can customize their characters with new, setting-specific tricks and traits.

Inside this Pathfinder Player Companion, you'll find:

  • Player-friendly overviews of every nation of the Inner Sea Region, telling characters what they need to know about their homelands—or those of their enemies.
  • New character traits for every country and region, helping to flesh out characters and tie their backgrounds and mechanics into the setting.
  • New archetypes for three Inner Sea sword fighting styles: the Aldori swordlord, the Qadiran dervish, and the Taldan rondelero duelist.
  • A complete overview of the major gods in the region, and what every resident should know about them.
  • Three new arcane schools: the item crafters of the Arcanamirium, Egorian's infernal binders, and the stealthy illusionists of Osirion's mages of the veil.
  • Overviews of the most common races of the region, from elves to half-orcs, as well as the most common human ethnicities.

This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game published by Paizo, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

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