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Pathfinder - Scions of the Vampire - Blood, Shadow, and Smoke (B Grade) (Genbrug)

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Scions of the Vampire - Blood, Shadow, and Smoke - Pathfinder RPG

It Takes More Than Fangs to Be A Vampire!

For years, the legend of the vampire has captivated the minds of mortals, and these dark stalkers of the night have become permanent fixtures of fantasy media and roleplaying games alike. But while vampires in novels, movies, and television each provide their own unique twist or spin on the vampire myth, creating innumerable different interpretations of what it means to be a vampire, for the Pathfinder roleplaying game, at least, there is only one kind of vampire, which fits some styles of vampirism well, and doesn’t fit others at all. Even worse for vampire enthusiasts, the ability to actually play as one of these nocturnal lurkers is incredibly limited.

At least, that was the case until Necromancers of the Northwest changed all that with Liber Vampyr: Secrets of the Blood, a book devoted to making vampiric player characters not only possible, but fully supported. It made use of a new system, called cruomancy, which allowed characters to gain blood points by drinking blood, and to spend those blood points to power various abilities, gained from feats and class features. The book was built in a way that allowed players to pick and choose not just their vampiric powers and abilities, but even their weaknesses, encouraging players to build their own monster to match their vision of vampirism.

Scions of the Vampire: Blood, Shadow, and Smoke picks up where Liber Vampyr left off, by providing 50 new feats and three new prestige classes, as well as several groups of supplemental rules that cover some of the additional concerns of vampirism. The book introduces three vampiric lineages, or bloodlines, each with special powers. Gain power from darkness and make shadows do your bidding as a Shaedross scion, align yourself with the Borsiviaks in order to gain an eldritch mastery over blood, bending and twisting it at your whim, or delve deep into the power of the Montavix to transform into a misty vapor, rendering you all but immune to attack. All these powers, and far, far more, can be yours.

This book expands on and uses the cruomancy rules first presented in Liber Vampyr, a free product which can be downloaded from

Scions of the Vampire - Blood, Shadow, and Smoke is , intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game published by Paizo and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

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