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Promethean The Created - Pandoras Book (B-Grade) (Genbrug)

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Pris 225,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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Pandora's Book - Promethean: the Created

From the book: 
"At the moment of our birth -- if that's the word -- we make a choice. Life or Death.
Division or Unity. Hunger or Reason. Madness or Sanity. Flux or Azoth. Do we really make that choice? Does something in a creator's makeup determine whether we sunder our flesh and slither away, or rise up to begin a new Pilgrimage? I don't know. But I do plan to find out, with your help. Yes, it might hurt a bit."
   -  Doctor Brine, Osiran

P:tC Pandora's Book includes:

  • Detailed information on the many manifestations of Flux and Pyros, including the enigmatic qashmallim
  • Deadly new enemies for the Created
  • "Sheltering Storm," a continuation of the "Water of Life" story begun in Promethean: The Created, set in New Orleans.
Pandora's Book is a soucebook for Promethean: The Created publsihed by White Wolf.

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