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Promethean The Created - Strange Alchemies (B Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Lev. 1 - 2 dage
Pris 225,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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Strange Alchemies - Promethean: the Created

"I've watched you ever since the day I was made.
Watched you love, watched you laugh, watched you kill and die.
You're perfect, even though you don't know it. Perfectly wonderful.
Perfectly awful.
Perfectly human.
I've been watching, trying to figure you out.
Trying to figure out how to be you.
I know more about you than you do.
I know more about you than I do about myself."
   - The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter, Galateid

PtC: Strange Alchemies includes:

  • Detailed discussion of each of the Lineages and Refinements, including new Transmutations and Bestowments.
  • Thoughtful essays discussing many issues important to Promethean chronicles.
  • "Strangers on the Hill," a new story in the “Water of Life” chronicle begun in Promethean: The Created, set in Boston.

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