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Shadowrun 1st - The Grimoire (Genbrug)

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Pris 100,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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The Grimoire - Shadowrun 1st Edition - RPG Sourcebook

The Grimoire is an expansion of the magic rules from Shadowrun 1st ed - Roleplaying Game. The Grimoire - Shadowrun 1e - Role Playing Game includes material for designing spells, using and forming magical groups, and the Enchanting of items. Shadowrun 1 - RPG - The Grimoire by Fasa Corporation covers Initiates, Insect totems and Toxic shamans, adventuring on the metaplanes, Free Spirits, Magical Adepts, Alchemy, the creation of specialized types of shamans and mages, and presents a complete section on new spells as well as an expansion of old ones. 

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