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Trinity - America Offline (B Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Pris 100,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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Brugt Trinity - America Offline: PSI Order Orgotek & FSA Sourcebook

The Spark of Revolution

Electricity runs everything from computers to human beings. It's also the playground of Orgotek, the electrokinetic order. This multibillion dollar metacorporation employs people who can control electromagnetic energy through sheer will — psions. Headquartered in the heart of the fascist Federated States of America, Orgotek works to return the once-great nation to its former democratic and capitalist glory.

From the Mind of a Psion

In America Offline, discover the true agenda of Orgotek, the Electrokinesis Order. Learn how to control electricity — from hacking into a computer network to seizing control of a person's synaptic relays! See the extent of the Federated States government's iron grip on North America. Discover the rebels who work subversively within the system and through warfare to reclaim freedom from tyranny.

America Offline includes:

  • Expanded, full color source material on orgotek and North America.
  • Detailed tips on playing eletrokinetic, including new psionic powers.
  • Revealing information on North American society and politics

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