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Trinity - Luna Rising (B Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Pris 100,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
Lyn hurtig levering! - Episk Kundeservice! - Fri Fragt til Pakkeshop ved 800kr!

Brugt Trinity - Luna  Rising

See the Cosmos from a New Perspective

The Moon is home to the psi order known as ISRA, a loose brotherhood of psions with the ability to cast their senses across vast interstellar distances — and even through time itself! Luna is considered the new center of human culture and a nexus of commerce, politics and corruption. As the saying goes, "Anything can — and usually does — happen on the Moon."

Enter the Universe of the Clairsentients

In Luna Rising, learn the secrets of ISRA, the clairsentience order. See what it's like to pierce the barriers of human perception and uncover the secrets of the universe. Myriad agencies — governments, corporations, psi orders and even the Æon Trinity — conspire with and against one another on Luna. Experience the mystery and intrigue in this hotspot of human activity, at the edge of civilized space.

Luna Rising includes:

  • Expanded, full-color source material on ISRA and the Moon
  • Detailed tips on playing a clairsentient, including new psionic powers
  • Revealing information on Lunar society, politics and law

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