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True 20 - Blood Throne - The Survivors Guide to the Age of Blood (B-Grade) (Genbrug)

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The Survivors Guide to the Age of Blood - Blood Throne - True 20 - RPG

A World in Need of Heroes
In Blood Throne - The Survivors Guide to the Age of Blood, for ten long years people of Simara have lived in fear. For ten long years the people of this war torn world have hidden themselves away from the evil which spreads across the land, the vile Keza-Drak - invaders from another world - have come to this world. Their forces, bolstered by the dreaded Sundaari, have spread across the face of Simara, bringing slavery and death to all who oppose them. 
In the east, the wicked Blight Elves have stormed out of their forest holdings to plague the free people still living in Sudeja. In the fallen kingdom of Numarath the Death Lords have risen once again, driving their undead horror north to attack the free people of the Aradi Heartlands. 
Ascendant gods plot and scheme against each other in their own struggle to survive, hiding on the mortal realm, away from the god of the Keza-Drak who hunts them. Yet, in spite of the darkness, in spite of the horror and madness which threatens to devour the people of this world, the light of hope still remains. 
Freedom fighters wage an ongoing war of insurgency against the forces of darkness, fighting to destabilize the holdings of their would-be usurpers. Rag-tag armies move across the continent, seeking out the bulk of Agarazon's forces, bringing the fight to them. This, the world of Simara, is truly a world in need of heroes. Will you join the call?

The Survivors Guide to the Age of Blood - Blood Throne was originally published in Ture20 Worlds of Adventure. The Blood Throne campaign setting provides players and narrators with a detailed look at the world of Simara and the people who inhabit the war-ravaged world. 

Inside The Survivors Guide to the Age of Blood for Blood Throne, published by Green Ronin Publishing, you will find new weapons, equipment, expanded looks at the races and cultures of Simara, barter rules, heroic paths, path masteries, new powers and much more!

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