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Waste World - Hydra (B-Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Lev. 1 - 2 dage
Pris 100,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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Hydra - Waste World - RPG

In Waste World - Hydra, the genclans reshape entire nations using the sinister secrets of biotechnology. They grant their followers superhuman powers. They use life itself to create awesome weapons. Their ruthless pursuit of power threatens to change the destiny of Waste World. This Hydra sourcebook for Waste World Role Playing Game allows you to visit their ancient homeland, take part in their deadly intrigues and fight in their brutal wars. 

Waste World - Hydra Roleplaying Game by Manticore includes: 
  • Complete details of 12 major genclans.
  • Complete section on biotechnology, including creating your own bioweapons. 
  • All you will ever need to know about the deadly Swarm and its warrior castes.
  • 20 new character types. 
  • Over 50 new powers and special abilities. 
  • Over 20 new Disadvantages. 

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