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Werewolf the Forsaken - Tribes of the Moon (B Grade) (Genbrug)

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Tribes of the Moon  - Werewolf: the Forsaken - World of Darkness

"You and me, we're different, but we're the same. We both honor winter wolf. We both have weakness in our hearts that we'l never share with anybody, not even our nearest and dearest. WE're both wolves who are men who are really neither at all. 
But you? You're a diplomat. A long-limped pale-faced Nancy. The way you talk to spirits, it's like you're talking to a yappy dog, telling it to sit and stay and fetch. Me, I'm a neck-breaker. Hand like trash-can lids. Spirit gives me the stink-eye, and I'll pull him apart like taffy. 
Sure, we're both storm lords. In that way, we're the same. 
But in all other ways, we're as different as blood and water."
   - Kieran the Killer

WoD - WtF - Tribes of the Moon includes:
  • A deeper look into each of the Tribes of the Moon, including tales told in the voices of various tribal members.
  • New character creation options, from tribe-specific rites and fetishes to lodges and Merits.
  • Milestone Gifts: Tribe-specific abilities granted to proven werewolves by their Firstborn patrons.
  • Sample characters, both famous and infamous, of the tribes.
Tribes of the Moon - WtF - WoD is a supplement for the World of Darkness game Werewolf: the Forsaken published by White Wolf.

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