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World of Darkness - Minds Eye Theatre - Werewolf the Wild West - Laws of the Wyld West (Grade B) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Pris 150,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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Laws of the Wyld West - Werewolf the Wild West - Mind's Eye Theatre - World of Darkness

Strap on your Six-Guns Pardner.
The range is bigger 'n' wilder than any city back east. Out here, it's just yer wits, yer guts and yer trusty six-shooter. Unless, of course, you happpen to have a little natural improvement. After all, the rough-an-tumble life on the frontier is for the hardiest souls - the ones that can live through just about anythin'. An' the toughest of the settlers - well, they ain't human at all. They're bigger, meaner and badder. The're werewovles. 

Hope Ya Got Some Silver Bullets
W:TWW - Laws of the Wyld West brings the rip-snortin' action to the Savage Frontier to Live-Action game. With the special Gifts of the West, updated rules for the fearsome Storm Umbra and new systems for gunslinging and staredown, there's only one choice - saddle up and move on out. Plus, for the first time, the Live-Action rules for two of the other Changing Breeds: The Prankster Nuwisha werewolves and the talkative Corax Wereravens. 
Rough, Tough and Nine Feet Tall

Laws of the Wyld West - W:TWW is a sourcebook for the World of Darkness' Live Action Roleplaying Game Mind's Eye Theatre, published by White Wolf.

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