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World of Darkness - Mind's Eye Theatre - Oblivion (Grade B) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Pris 150,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
Lyn hurtig levering! - Episk Kundeservice! - Fri Fragt til Pakkeshop ved 800kr!


Oblivion - Mind's Eye Theatre - World of Darkness

"Gotcha! You're Dead!
Am not!
Are, too!
Am Not!"

Are, Too. Honest.

Death used to be the end. Not anymore. Now Oblivion lets you take Mind‘s Eye Theatre across the Shroud into the lands of the Restless Dead. Expore the depths of the eternal Tempest. Join the centuries-old political dances in the halls of Stygia. Run the mean streets of The World of Darkness, and protect the Fetters that tie you to the lands of the living. Being dead is all about choices. Now that you don’t have to worry about making a living, it’s time to start making them.

Oblivion for Mind's Eye Theatre Features:

  • Rules for wraiths, mortals and Risen;
  • Rules for interactions with mortals, vampires and Garou;
  • The best way to continue characters from other games who’ve journeyed to that undiscovered country...
Oblivion is a sourcebook for the World of Darkness' Live Action Roleplaying Game Mind's Eye Theatre, published by White Wolf.

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