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Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition - Dark Sun - Windriders of the Jagged Cliffs - Rollespilsbog (B-Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Lev. 1 - 2 dage
Pris 400,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)

Brugt AD&D 2nd - Dark Sun - Windriders of the Jagged Cliffs

And so I found myself learning about a folk that I had never heard described even in rumors. These halflings are an ancient people-in fact, they gave a new definition for "ancient." Their race is older than any other on Athas. They remember times before the Warbringer, before magic, and before the advent of the Way. 
-The Wanderer's Journal

To the west of Tyr, the proud strongholds of the Jagged Cliffs defy everything that is known about Athas. The history of the halflings who live there is as old as Athas itself. Their origins lie with the rhulisti, who were masters of the world during the Blue Age-and you caused the end of an age when a simple experiment went horribly awry.

Windriders of the Jagged Cliffs details the lives of the rhul-thaun-the descendants of the rhulisti and the keepers of the ancient knowledge who practice the most unusual and arcane art under the crimson sun: the shaping of life itself.

This 128-page accessory for players and Dungeon Masters alike is the first in the "Wanderer's Chronicle" series that explores new areas of Athas. 

This Book Features:

  • Details of the Jagged Cliffs region, he rugged land that lies between Tyr and the Kreen Empire.
  • Living tools left from Athas's dim past, including organic weapons, armor, and flying vehicles.
  • Secrets of the swamp at the base of the Cliffs, and its link to all magic within the world of Athas.
  • Details for creating these unique halfling characters.
  • A complete adventure for existing PCs or newly created rhul-tan characters.

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