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Call Of Cthulhu - 6th edition - Terrors From Beyond (B-Grade) (Genbrug)

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Pris 300,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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Terrors From Beyond - Call Of Cthulhu - 6th Edition 

TERRORS FROM BEYOND is a collection of 1920's and 30’s adventures for Call of Cthulhu, designed for play with pre-generated characters. The book provides fine opportunities for an impromptu game or tournament play and — because the characters are intimately connected with the plot — roleplaying challenges not normally available in most published material. An excellent adventure collection for new and veteran Call of Cthulhu players alike.

This book contains:

  • GHOST LIGHT: The keepers of a remote Scottish lighthouse have vanished.  What fate awaits those who come to investigate the disappearances?
  • GRAVE SECRETS: The people of Stafford, Rhode Island, live much the same as their colonial forbears, making only gradual concessions to the encroaching tread of progress. Now, a fate both formless and awful has befallen a family in town. One by one, the children succumb to a newly arrived, yet ancient, menace.
  • THE DIG: Miskatonic University students on an excavation at nearby Dunlow Woods uncover ancient secrets, murder and horrors from the past.
  • A METHOD TO MADNESS: The investigators have been committed to a private asylum. Are they really insane? Is their impending cure now worse than their derangements?
  • DEATH BY MISADVENTURE: Evidence suggests that Charles Stanhope was killed by the accidental discharge of a faulty shotgun at his home in the Lincolnshire Fens. The Coroner's verdict is death by misadventure - but is there a suggestion of something far more sinister?
  • THE BURNING STARS: The investigators recover in a US Military hospital in Haiti suffering from on-going and prolonged blackouts. The last seven days of their lives have vanished from their minds — is it amnesia, or a fear of remembering?
This book is Published by Chaosium

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