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Call Of Cthulhu - 6th ed - Cthulhu Invictus Companion - (B-Grade) (Genbrug)

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Cthulhu Invictus Companion - Call Of Cthulhu - 6th edition 

AS ROME’S INFLUENCE SPREADS across the known world, so too spreads the worship of its gods. Roman leaders know that converting the people of conquered regions to the state religion makes them easier to control. But some gods have been worshipped longer than Rome has existed, and their supplicants won’t easily change allegiances.

The Cthulhu Invictus Companion is a collection of three scenarios for Call of Cthulhu, pitting investigators against cults from different regions of the ancient Roman Empire.

  • Those with the will to survive being dragged through time and space can learn to harness imponderable power to their own needs — provided they offer the appropriate sacrifice to The Opener of Ways.
  • The Akeru have long lived in seclusion at the base of Mount Serbal, protecting the world from a horror that would destroy humanity if ever released.
  • Initiates who wish to join the Teutates must first survive a grueling journey to the Severn Valley — and then undergo a ritual that leaves them undead.

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