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Call Of Cthulhu - 6th edition - Cthulhu Britannica - Shadows over Scotland (B-Grade) (Genbrug)

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Call Of Cthulhu - 6th edition - Cthulhu Britannica - Shadows over Scotland

Mysterious, wild and beautiful, Scotland in the 1920s is home to horrors modern and ancient, man-made and star-born. From the rolling pastoral Lowlands to the snow-capped peaks of the Highlands and the seaweed-choked Western Isles, creatures and cultures have taken root in Scotland whose maddening, corrupting influence can be felt far and wide. Fiendish things haunt the hive-like alleys and wynds of old Edinburgh, while Glasgow’s streets whisper with rumours of dark terrors in the shipyard shadows on the snaking, poisonous Clyde. And in the isles, murmurs on fishing boats and ferries speak of far older things, of sites of power and standing stones, awakenings and stirrings in forgotten places. Something terrifying lurks in the night, casting dark shadows over Scotland.

Shadows over Scotland is a massive new hardback sourcebook for Chaosium’s Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game covering Scotland in the 1920s. It features:

  • three comprehensive sections detailing the Lowlands, Highlands and Islands
  • individual sections on history, folklore, language and life in 1920s Scotland
  • a complete mythos timeline
  • detailed coverage of nine cities and their various inhabitants
  • six sinister adventures complete with extensive handouts

this book is Published by Cubicle Seven

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