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D&D 3.0 - Sword & Sorcery - Creature Collection (B Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Kun175,0087,50 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)


DnD 3.0 - Creature Collection - Sword and Sorcery

Over 200 New Monsters for Dungeons and Dragons 3.0!

D&D 3 - Creature Collection is the first book in a series of products from Sword & Sorcery. At its heart DnD 3 - Creature Collection is a book of monsters and beings that could find a home in any fantasy setting.

Along with the over 200 creatures this Dungeons & Dragons 3 - Sword and Sorcery - Creatures Collection gives an introduction to a grand new world of Scarred Lands; a place scared by battle where gods fought only 150 years ago.

Many of the creatures in this Creature Collection - D&D 3 have a place in the Scarred Lands and some if the geography and personalities will become familiar to careful readers.

Creature Colletion is a sourcebook for Dungeons & Dragons 3.0 published by Sword & Sorcery Studios.

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