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Dungoens & Dragons 3.0 - Sword & Sorcery - Book of Eldritch Might 2 - Songs and Souls of Power (B Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Kun50,0025,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)


Book of Eldritch Might II: Songs and Souls of Power - Sword & Sorcery - Dungeons and Dragons 3.0

The Power of Eldritch Might is Yours to Command!

Summon new and exciting sources of power with this D&D 3 - Book of Eldritch Might 2 Sourcebook, packed with all things arcane for characters of any level. Features of Book of Eldritch Might II - D&D 3 include a completely redesigned versions of the sorcerer and bard classes, including rules for music-based bardic magic. More than 100 original new spells and spellsongs can be found in DnD 3 Book of Eldritch Might 2 along rules for using soul magic, a new type of arcane power invovling sentient spells. In Book of Eldritch Might 2 - DnD 3 over three dozen new feats, prestige classes, and magical items. 

Malhavoc Press is a game designer for Monte Cooks d20 System imprint devoted to publishing unusual magic, monsters and evocative elements that go beyond traditional fantasy. Malhavoc Press products exhibit the mastery of the d20 Systen rules that only one of the game's original designers can offer. 

Book of Eldritch Might II requires the Dungeons & Dragons, Third Edition Player's Handbook.

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