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Flesh and Blood TCG

Flesh and Blood TCG kom til verdenen i Oktober 2019 fra firmaet Legend Story Studios som har kommer fra New Zealand! spillet er et Turnerings Samle kort spil hvor du spiller en helt der duellere mod andre helte.


Hvad er Flesh and Blood TCG?

Flesh and Blood TCG er et næsten nyt samlekort spil fra New Zealand, som giver et frisk pust til TCG spillene da det ikke er helt noget som vi har set før, Flesh and Blood Stjæler dog stadig lidt ideer fra hist og her, men uden at det gør noget. Først og fremmest har man en helt! 

F.eks. Lige Som Bravo showstopper her fra den første serien Flesh and Blood welcome to Rathe.

Eh helt i Flesh and blood TCG kan have udstyr som du tildeler dem inden kampen går igang, det kan være våben rustningsdele og et skjold. På den måde har man hver sin Flesh and Blood Hero som er klar til kamp.

Derefter spiller man forskellige angreb mod hinanden med de kort man har i sit deck, hvert kort har en pris de koster at koster at kaste og man skal så ofte andre kort fra sin hånd som så giver energi til at kaste kortene, så hvad skal man bruge og hvad skal man side væk hver runde, det er det der er det sjove i Flesh and Blood kortspillet, men bestemt også det der gør det virkelig godt!

her er nogle billeder af kort man kan have i sit deck.

Legend Story Studios som udgiver og produceret Flesh and Blood kortspillet skriver selv her om Flesh and Blood.

Flesh and Blood revolves around playing as a powerful Hero, equipped with unique weapons, armours, with a wide arsenal of skills and abilities at your disposal. Players compete in various 1v1 or multiplayer formats, where only the most hardened of heroes will emerge victorious!

Classic Constructed

Classic Constructed is the quintessential Flesh and Blood experience. Players choose a Hero, then construct a 80-card deck made up of powerful signature moves, class cards, or generic cards, then compete against each-other in fast paced, 1v1 combat.


  • Hero card + 80-card maximum deck (includes weapons, equipment, and cards in deck)

  • Up to 3 copies of each unique card allowed. (A card is unique if it has a different card name or pitch value from any other card)

  • Adult hero cards are legal

  • 50 minutes per round, best of 1

11 things you need to know to play classic constructed

2 minutes to read

Deck Registration Sheet

(Editable pdf)

Deck Construction

In Classic Constructed, players register up to 80 cards +1 hero card. This includes weapon(s), equipment and cards in deck.

A deck may contain up to 3 copies of each unique card. A card is unique if it has a different card name or pitch value from any other card. (e.g. Sink Below pitch {r} is unique from Sink Below pitch {r}{r}{r}. You can have up to 3 copies of each version of Sink Below in your deck.)

A deck may only contain Generic cards and cards with the same class as your hero card. A deck must also comply with the Classic Constructed card legality policy for official play.

Card Legality Policy

Last updated August 28, 2020

Recommended Tournament Structure

  • Matches: Best of 1

  • Round Time: 50 minutes

Number of rounds:


Swiss Rounds







Top 4



Top 8



Top 8



Top 8

*Playoff is optional and at the tournament organizer’s discretion.

The recommended number of rounds are a recommendation only. The tournament organizer may change the number of rounds at their discretion. If they do, this should be announced before the start of round 1.

Start of Game Procedure

  1. Both players reveal their hero card, then;

  2. A random method is used to determine who chooses to play first, then;

  3. Both players choose the equipment, weapons, and 60-card minimum deck (chosen from the 80 cards they have registered) they will use for this game, then;

  4. Both players shuffle and present their deck to the opponent for final shuffle and/or cut.

  5. Both players reveal the weapon(s) and equipment they have chosen for this game, draw cards up to their hero's intellect, and begin the first turn of the game.

End of Match Procedure

When time is called in the round and a winner of the current game is yet to be determined, the turn player completes their turn, then 3 additional turns (in total between both players) are played. At the conclusion of the additional turns, if the winner of the game has not been determined, the current game is a draw.

End of Match Procedure - Single Elimination Rounds

If the match being played is during an elimination round of the tournament, and a winner of the current game has not been determined at the conclusion of additional turns, then;

  1. If a player has won more completed games in the match than the opponent, that player is declared the winner of the match (applicable only if the match is not best of 1).

  2. If the number of completed games in the match is tied, the hero with the highest life total is declared the winner of the match. If life totals are tied, the game will continue until one hero has a higher life total, at which point the hero with the highest life total is immediately declared the winner of the match.

If a single elimination match is tied after the completion of additional turns, or time in the round has been called before the first turn of a game has begun and no player has more game wins in the match than another player, then players will start a new game with 4 turns total (2 turns per player). At the end of the fourth turn, the hero with the highest life total is declared the winner of the match. If life totals are tied, the game will continue until one hero has a higher life total, at which point the hero with the highest life total is immediately declared the winner of the match. (applicable only if the match is not best of 1).


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