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Mage The Ascension Revised Edition - Technocracy Iteration X (B Grade) (Genbrug)

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Pris 100,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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Technocracy: Iteration X - Mage The Ascension Revised Edition

We are the Machine. 
From the dark reaches of Autocthonia to the cybernetic fantasies of Hollywood, Technocracy Iteration X for Mage the Ascension marches into the future with a vision of clockwork perfection. Feared and shunned, this Convention knows that when the time is right, all will understand. This Mage the Ascension - Technocracy Iteration X sourcebook gives the Machine's-eye view of World of Darkness - Mage the Ascension. And the Machine is never wrong. 

WoD Mage the Ascension Revised - Technocracy: Iteration X by White Wolf includes: 

  • The history, world-view, goals and tactics of the Convention. 
  • An order of battle detailing the stormtroopers of the Pogrom. 
  • An Iteration X production facility for Mage Storytellers. 
A Sourcebook for Mage the Ascension Revised.

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