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Mage The Ascension - Technocracy Progenitors (B Grade) (Genbrug)

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Pris 100,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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Technocracy: Progenitors - Mage The Ascension 1st Edition

Masters of the Body, Monsters of the Soul.
Technocracy Progenitorsis a Convention sourcebook for World of Darkness - Mage the Ascension Roleplaying Gam,e covering the hierachies, methodologies, tools and tactics of the genetic wizards. 

Technocracy Progenitors for WoD - Mage the Ascension includes: 

  • An apprentice's jounral, following his progress through Progenitor training.
  • New spells, effects and devices for the Progenitors.
  • A battle roster of Technomancers, agents and gene-spliced monsters. 

Bedømmelse for Mage The Ascension - Technocracy Progenitors (B Grade) (Genbrug)
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