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Quarter Century Stampede - Booster Box Display (24Booster Packs) - Yu-Gi-Oh kort

Lev. 10. April - X dage
Pris 839,95 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
Lyn hurtig levering! - Episk Kundeservice! - Fri Fragt til Pakkeshop ved 800kr!

Udkommer 09. April

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Yu-Gi-Oh kort Quarter Century Stampede Booster box Display

Konami skriver her selv om deres yugioh Quarter Century Stampede product

Set Size TBD
Product Type Booster
Official Tournament Store Launch Date 04/09/2025
Launch Date 04/11/2025
Konami Tournament Legal Date 04/11/2025


Quarter Century Stampede will be your last chance to get some of your all-time favorite cards as Quarter Century Secret Rares!

Last Call for Quarter Century Secret Rares!

Coming in April, Quarter Century Stampede will be your last chance to get some of your all-time favorite cards as Quarter Century Secret Rares before this spectacular, shining rarity is gone forever.

This direct successor to Quarter Century Bonanza uses its same set and pack configuration, including a core set of more than 80 tournament-level cards, another massive 200-card nostalgia reprint pool, and a guaranteed Luxury Secret Rare per pack, etc.

But this time, the nostalgia pool includes picks from our recent online poll asking Duelists which cards THEY want to see as Quarter Century Secret Rares.

Quarter Century Stampede, along with Alliance Insight (releasing a few weeks later), will be the LAST releases to include Quarter Century Secret Rares. Get ‘em while you can!



Survey results are in and contained quite a few surprises! Thank you, Duelists, for voting! Every card has its fans, and over three thousand different cards had at least one Duelist voting for them to be included. There just isn’t space in the set for everyone, alas.

Of the Top 100 card finalists in the poll, about a third are already in Quarter Century Bonanza, which is available now.

Another third were cards we were already planning to include in Quarter Century Stampede. And even though the poll was for the 200-card nostalgia set, lots of these cards were scheduled for the core set, available in multiple rarities, so we’re going to keep them there in the core set. These include old favorites like MiscellaneousaurusXtra HERO Cross Crusader, and Cyber Dragon Infinity, plus lots of newer cards like Mulcharmy FuwalosChamber Dragonmaid, and Salamangreat Raging Phoenix. Other top-voted cards, like the heavily demanded Trap Dustshoot and Metamorphosis, are headed straight to the nostalgia pool as planned.

As for the rest…Petit Moth!? Okay, it’s going in the nostalgia pool! Along with other top finishers like Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle and Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King. All 200 nostalgia pool cards will be included 1 per pack in either Platinum Secret Rare or Quarter Century Secret Rare, just like in Quarter Century Bonanza. We’ll be showing off more cards as we get closer to the set’s release!

The other 4 cards per pack, just like Quarter Century Bonanza, will be from the core set, which this time has some further additions. The primary core set of 80 cards will be available in all rarities, just like before. The primary core set of 80 cards will be available in all rarities (but no duplicate Quarter Century Secret Rares), just like before. However, we’re also adding a bunch of brand-new variant art versions of existing cards, to the core set’s Quarter Century Secret Rare pool.


Here’s a handy reminder chart showing the breakdown of each pack:

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