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The Darkest Age - Roleplaying Game (B Grade) (Genbrug)

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The Darkest Age - Roleplaying Game

“Screams of pain are not all the same. The sound a man makes when he is burning alive is different than when dying pf plague or a gut wound. The sound a man makes when being eaten alive you'll learn fast enough.

In 1355, the Black Plague killed sixty-percent of Europe’s population. Then, the dead rose and devoured those who were left.

The Black Plague has decimated Europe and brought with it a new sort of terror, a new sort of plague. As the sickness spreads, the Plague’s final symptom becomes apparent: the dead rise to hunt the living.

The Darkest Age is a Horror RPG set in a grim, alternate history. Enter the gritty and dangerous world of Europe in 1350, as an unusual strain of the bubonic plague ravages the countryside and those afflicted don’t just die. Faced with extinction, the people of Europe are forced to survive in any way they can. Characters face death, disease and the myriad undead, as well as cannibals, xenophobic city-states, and religious strife in an unending battle for the resources that mean survival.

Between waves of fear and a strange, uneasy compulsion to start playing The Darkest Age right now, you’re wondering what makes this game special? You’ve played a hundred d20 OGL games, but nothing like this one. The Darkest Age explores social and cultural conventions, as well as medieval role-playing tropes and turns them upside down. If you're looking for a true role playing experience, this is it.

The Darkest Age Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook includes

  • Comprehensive Player and GM rules.
  • Compelling Character Classes.
  • Original Campaign Setting.
  • Undead Enemies and The Plague
  • Combat and Movement Rules.
  • Exciting Feats and Skills.
  • Religious Rites and Relics.
  • Valuable GM tips.
  • And much more

The Darkest Age is a complete d20 OGL role-playing game, written by veteran game designer Rob Gee and science fiction and fantasy author Eric Staggs, with creative collaboration from Julia Gengenbach. Cover art by Jeff Dewitt. Interior art by Rob Gee and Mark A. Nelson.

“In the hands of the right GM, this game will give you nightmares.” 

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