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D&D 3.0 - Tome and Blood - Rollespilsbog (B Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Pris 100,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)

DnD 3.0 - Tome and Blood

A Spell is Better the a Thousand Words in Dungeons and Dragons 3.0!

Every mystic library reserves a place for this single potent volume of arcane lore. D&D 3 - Tome and Blood is packed with ways to customize sorcerer and wizard characters, including:

  • New feats, spells, and magic items.
  • New prestige classes, including the dragon disciple, fatespinner, and pale apprentice.
  • Information about special organizatinos such as the Broken Wands and the Arcane Order.
  • Maps of a mages'guildhall and a home that a sorcerer and a wizard share.
Tome and Blood - D&D 3 is indispensable to players and Dungeon Masters who want to add a new dimension to sorcerers and wizards. DnD 3 - Tome and Blood is a paperback with 96 magical pages. First released in 2001 and publsihed by Wizards of the Coast.

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