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D6 - Fantasy - Rulebook (B Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Kun200,00100,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)


D6 - Fantasy - Rulebook

"It is a time for legends of heroes and heroes of legend, for powerful wizards and mysterious races. Search for treasure in long-forgotten mining tunnels or brave the open sea in a quest for new lands. You can make these tales and so much more happen with this book, which combines the best of over 15 years of D6 System design. It covers all the basics for using the popular D6 System game with your favorite classic fantasy setting.

  • You have the option to spend as much time as they'd like designing characters with one of three different character creation methods - customizing pre-constructed templates, using defined dice distribution limits, and distributing a pool of points - each compatible with the method other players choose.
  • You can customize your character with over 80 character options (Disadvantages, Advantages, and Special Abilities), each with numerous variations - as well as a sampling of generic fantasy race packages.
  • You have the option of relying on a Body Points of Wounds damage system, both equally interchangeable with a single combat system.
  • You can add magic and miracles to your campaigns - or leave them out.
  • You get dozens of generic equipment (including sailing ships) and character examples, which can serve as examples for adding your own magical weapons, inhuman monsters, and children in distress.
  • You get to decide on the level of complexity, with essential rules separated from the optional rules.

The accessible format includes an introduction to using the book and the system, a solo adventure to test out the rules, and prefaces to each chapter that can help you locate the information you need.

Also look for D6 Adventure Rulebook and D6 Space Rulebook, which cover attributes, skills, equipment, and character templates tailored to their specific genres, while using a game engine that's completely compatible with D6 Fantasy.

One Die, Infinite Possibilities!"

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