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Dangerous Journeys - Mythus Magick (B Grade) (Genbrug)

Lagerstatus:På lager  
Kun200,0060,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)


Gary Gygaxs Dangerous Journeys - Mythus Magick

Within the pages of this Multigenre Roleplaying Game System, you will find more than 1400 different Castings for your Heroic Personas and their evil enemies! In Mythus Magick you will find Dwenercræft Castings, Priestcræft Catings as well as Castings from 15 other types of practice. Dangerous Journeys - Mythus Magick - Fantasy Roleplaying Game Book Two also includes rules for designing your own Castings, allowing magick in your campaign to grow as far as you can imagine!
In Dangerous Journeys - Mythus Magick - Fantasy Roleplaying Game Book II there are even rules for making Psychogenics, from other Dangerous Journeys genres, work within the Mythus game!

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