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Vampire the Masquerade 2nd Edition - Cities of Darkness Volume 3 (B Grade) (Genbrug)

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Pris 250,00 DKK   (v. 1 stk.)
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Cities of Darkness Vol. 3 - WoD Vampire the Masquerade 2nd Edition

World of Darkness - Vampire the Masquerade - Cities of Darkness Vol 3 is an account of Kindred control, corruption and conspiracies across America. WoD - Vampire the Masquerade - Cities of Darkness Vol 3 combines the previoulsy out-of-print Dark Colony and Alien Hunger in one volume with an all-new cover.

Vampire the Masquerade - Cities of Darkness Volume 3 by White Wolf features:

  • One more shot at these rare Vampire supplements.
  • Information about the undead of New England, from the age of the witch-hints to modern day.
  • A glimpse of Denver nights, and an introductory story to set any Vampire chronicle in motion. 

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